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All The Carbohydrate Questions ANSWERED.


For some reason, society has lead many people to fear carbohydrates. However, when you look at the science behind carbs, you will start to see just how inaccurate that is! So let me break down the facts for you and answer some common carbohydrate questions!

What is a Carbohydrate?

  • One of the six essential nutrients (Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat, Vitamins, Minerals, Water)

  • Your body’s main source of energy

  • Sugars, Starches and Fibers in your diet

  • Should form the bulk of your diet (55-60% of your daily calories)

What's the Science Here?

  • Carbohydrates are made of three common chemical elements: Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen.

  • Carbohydrates can be notated as CHO.

  • These elements are bonded together to make saccharides or sugar units. (which your body needs to survive!)

What Foods are Carbohydrates?

  • Whole Grains:100% whole grain breads, pastas and rice, popcorn, most cereals, etc!

  • Enriched/ Refined Grains: white bread, pasta, bagels, white rice, pastries, etc!

  • Fruits: apple, pear, blueberries, grapes, papaya, lemon, cantaloupe, etc!

  • Vegetables: carrots, broccoli, zucchini, peppers, onions, potatoes, peas, corn, etc!

What are the Functions of Carbohydrates?

  • Produce Energy ( 4 calories of energy per gram)

    • Carbohydrates are the prefered source of energy, however, if you do not consume enough carbohydrates, then your body will draw on proteins for fuel needs

  • Provide Bulk in the Diet

    • Fiber helps with the elimination of waste by acting like a sponge to absorb water and soften the stool.

    • Fiber helps with weight loss by helping people feel fuel and slows the rate the stomach empties

  • Break Down Fats

    • If your diet is too low in carbohydrates, then the body can not completely break down fats.

Should I Fear Carbohydrates?

  • Absolutely not! Carbohydrates are the body's preferred fuel source!

  • The majority of your diet, up to 65% of all calories you eat, should come from carbohydrates!

Are some Carbohydrates Better for Me?

  • Yes, carbohydrates that are whole grains, as well as fruits and vegetables are the best because they provide both starches and fibers.

  • However, you can eat all types of carbohydrates in a healthy diet, if you are including whole grains, fruits, vegetables and some enriched or refined grains too!

  • Remember: A healthy diet is one in which you feel your best and do not restrict yourself from anything you enjoy!

Stop fearing carbohydrates and start enjoying all aspects of life! Life is too short to not eat mashed potatoes! And as a bonus, you are providing your body with a plethora of fuel, fiber, vitamins and minerals!


Hope Kiehl

Miss New Jersey Petite

Leading A Lifetime of Life Skills

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